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Flawless Glue Joints

By May 21, 2010November 5th, 2013No Comments

We just completed these two stunning tables and feats of amazing craftsmanship.  Each of these tables has eleven individual glue joints that take time and skill to perfectly execute.  If any of these does not work, the entire table is ruined.  After completing these pieces we received an email asking us how we do it from an admirer in Poland who has been doing this for years and hasn’t solved the problem of flawless glue joints.  The timing couldn’t have been more perfect for this email we received from Poland:

Dear Aaron,
Well I am so so shocked! How has it happened I havent seen you website before???!!!!! We are two same people driven by the acrylic world, but on the two totally different and separate parts of the globe.
I have a company which produces acrylic furniture. We are the only such company in Poland. We (meaning my crew) are absolutely crazy about acrylic glass !!! Gosh I would create the whole house out of it, but so far I didnt find enough time and money for it J. We do not sell trucks of same acrylic chairs, but every day we produce something different for individuals.
It took me a day or two but finally I decided to ask you a question. After what I saw on your blog I stated that you must be a really cool guy and maybe you could help me solve one problem and not trash my email straight away??? This problem is
Gluing together acrylic pieces – yeak !!!!!!! There are times when everything goes smoothly. But there are days when the bubbles start coming out after the gluing. I saw on your website that you glue the acrylic pieces together and there are no bubbles after the gluing. What do you do man??? Have you ever encountered the bubbles and managed to get rid of this problem? What do you do? Could you help and tell me?
Want to see what we do? Check (there is an English version) and . Plexi states for acrylic.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam/ Best Regards

Agnieszka Bijak

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