Picture: Aaron R Thomas interviewed with Charles Hollis Jones and Ron Chespak at Jones’ show at the Palm Springs Museum of Art.
Charles Hollis Jones is a designer and possibly the most renowned name in Lucite / Acrylic Furniture Design. A Pioneer, he became famous for his elegant sculptural creations, like the Wisteria Chair, designed for Tennessee Williams in 1968.
To meet the designer’s quality standards, every object required custom fabrication by a master craftsman. For the popular “Metric Line” series of limited edition tables and chairs, for example, each acrylic element was formed into a square which had to be hand beveled 12 times: a full length bevel on each of the 4 sides, and a bevel on each of the 4 faces, top and bottom. (www.r20thcentury.com/bios/designer.cfm?article_id=113 )
Aaron R Thomas building the Charles Hollis Jones’ “Blade Line Desk”
Charles Hollis Jones, known for his quality workmanship, sought after Aaron R Thomas to create his designs. Aaron learned the acrylic craft at the knee of his master-craftsman father, Ed Thomas, who started a small display business in the 60’s.
After having Aaron R. Thomas restore many of his classic pieces, Aaron’s mastery in the art of acrylic forming so impressed Charles Hollis Jones, that he had Aaron re-engineer and re-create many of his classic designs, such as from the metric line, for a retrospective at the Palm Springs Museum of Art.
They went on to collaborate on many projects for private collectors, including these barstools for Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, and Sex in the City writer, Darren Star and on Charles Hollis Jones’ own collections, Nouveau-vue.
In 2005, Aaron R.Thomas was asked to present an award of Thomas’ own design to Charles Hollis Jones at The Museum of California Design’s Summer Benefit, which was held on at one of California’s architectural treasures, Lloyd Wright’s extraordinary Sowden House in Los Angeles’ Los Feliz neighborhood.
These days, Aaron R Thomas has a team of master craftsmen, which includes his father, Ed Thomas, who carry out his own modern classic designs which grace Luxury Homes, Hotels and High-End Retail Establishments worldwide.
His custom designs are available by consultation through www.aaronrthomas.com
or by calling 714-434-1113.
His new a.r.t.c. line, *aaron r thomas: ready-to-carry, is available online.