Aaron strives to ensure that every piece he creates is done to the highest possible standard, his own. Here, Aaron coats over twelve pieces of new artwork with an automotive grade clear coat not…
Aaron takes a couple minutes out of his busy schedule to play with his eight year old and thirteen week old Presa Canarios Zeus and Augustus.
Aaron looks over some hammers and forms used for forming metal. These simple forms and variety of different shapes, sizes, and hardnesses allow Aaron to create intricate blacksmithed pieces out of even the hardest…
We are moving our studio to Los Angeles to be closer to some of our larger clients. Aaron spent some time today touring the Los Angeles Arts District with the leaders of the Art’s…
If you haven’t been down to HD Buttercup in Culver City lately you should go. The 150,000 square foot showroom has enough to keep your eyes busy for weeks. These two-of-a-kind lamps are available…
Aaron’s new series is a fun mix of subtle, safe, “corporate” art with Aaron’s unique vibrant, exciting, pop, flower art. This blend of precious metals in a suspended medium with the rawness of spray…
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