We received this wonderful coverage in an article featuring similar looking high-end and low-end options in home decor. Our 3/4″ nesting tables are the luxury option at $1475.
We decided to create a version built with the same attention to master craftsmanship, but within the reach of even more design lovers budgets by manufacturing it in slightly thinner 3/8″ acrylic.
(Price includes 3 tables which can be nested together or dispersed throughout your home. You can also sit on it.)
A couple of things that we prefer about our nesting tables: The larger diameter bends. They’re stronger, with no flare-out, and they just looks more sophisticated. Also: they’re made of Plexiglas(tm) here in Orange County. Plexiglas(tm) brand, which we use exclusively, is of the highest quality and has a 10 year guarantee against discoloration.
available now in a.r.t.c. store

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